Aphrodite’s drop


Aphrodite’s Drop dives into the sensuous world of pearls uncovering their past and exploring their present– from their production, symbolism and pleasures, to the hard knocks of the market place.

On the surface, pearls drip respectability. Kings and queens married and sought empires to obtain them. Yet pearls have always had a darker side, and from Madonna’s Like a Virgin to boys in black Tahitian pearls, their rebellious spirit is kept alive.

Pearls have always been a symbol of love and desire. When Cleopatra crushed her most valuable pearl and drank it in front of Marc Anthony, an aphrodisiac was born. Pearls are the only jewel that’s literally ‘ready to wear’. They come natural, cultured or fake – and like love itself, sometimes it’s hard to spot the difference.

From the exotic beaches of Australia and the breathtaking atolls of Tahiti to the auction rooms of Sotheby’s and the red carpets of Hollywood, award-winning director Sylvia Stevens reveals the glamour and grit of pearls.

Director: Sylvia Stevens
Producer: Justine Faram




The Big Chill